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#create table gl (id int(10) primary key auto_increment);
#desc gl;
#alter table gl add(name varchar(20),age int(11),class int(11),chinese int(11),english int(11),math int(11));
#alter table gl drop id;
#alter table gl add id int(11) first;
#alter table gl modify id int(11) primary key auto_increment;
#insert into gl(id,name,age,class,chinese,english,math)values
#select * from gl;
#insert into gl values(2,"lisi",22,1832,55,86,66);
#insert into gl values(3,"wangwu",23,1832,84,90,88);
#insert into gl values(4,"zhaoliu",24,1833,93,57,98),(5,"liqi",25,1833,93,57,22),
#SELECT chinese,english,math from gl where class='1832';
#select chinese,english,math from gl where class = '1833' and chinese > 80 and chinese < 90;
#select * from gl where id limit 4,6;
#select 'name',id from gl where class='1832' and english='98'and math='77';
#select * from gl where class=1832 order by chinese desc;
#select name from gl where (class=1833 or class='1832') and (chinese < 80 and math < 80);
#select name,class from gl where chinese is null;
#select name from gl where chinese<60 or chinese is null;
#select class, avg(math) from gl group by class;
#10、求出每个班级语文成绩总分 --涉及到每个的时候都需要分组
#select class,sum(chinese) from gl group by class;
#update gl set chinese = 60 where chinese < 60 or chines is null;
#select name,age from gl where chinese > 70 and english > 70 and math > 70;
#select * from gl;
#select name,class from gl english > 70 and (chinese > 60 or math > 60);
#select class,max(english) from gl group by class;
#select class,count(*) from gl group by class;
#select class,count(math) from gl where math > 80 group by class;
#16、求出每个班英语成绩最高的那个人的姓名和班级名称 --每个班英语成绩最高
#select name,class,max(english) from gl group by class;
#desc gl;
#alter table gl add(musice int(11),mysql int(11),python int(11));
#use mysql;
#grant select on *.* to 'dcs'@'localhost' identified by '123456';

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