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#create table grade(class int(4),chinese int(4),english int(4),math int(4),name varchar(20),age int(4),sid int(4));

/*insert into grade values(1833,86,90,40,'zhangsan',1,21),(1832,55,86,66,'lisi',2,22),(1833,93,57,98,'zhaoliu',3,23),
(1832,80,76,88,'wangping',11,31),(1833,NULL,79,88,'wanghui',12,32); */

#select class,chinese,english,math from grade where class = 1832;

#select class,chinese,english,math from grade where chinese > 80 and chinese < 90;

#select * from grade limit 4,6;

#select name,sid from grade where class = 1832 and english = 98 and math = 77;

#select class,chinese,english,math from grade where class = 1832 order by chinese desc;

#select name from grade where (class = 1833 or class = 1832) and chinese<80 and math <80;
#select name from grade where class in(1833,1832) and chinese < 80 and math < 80;

#select name,class from grade where chinese is null;

#select name from grade where chinese <60 or chinese is null;

#select avg(math),class from grade group by class;

#select sum(chinese),class from grade group by class;

#update grade set chinese = 60 where chinese < 60 or chinese is null;

#select name,age from grade where chinese >70 and english>70 and math >70;

#select class,name from grade where  english>70 and (math >60 or chinese >60);

#select class,count(*) from grade group by class;

#select class,count(*) from grade where math>80 group by class;

select class,max(english)g from grade group by class;   ==》先求出每个班英语最高分然后和grade 表继续连表
select * from grade;
select t.name,t.class from grade t,(select class,max(english)g from grade group by class)b where t.class =b.class and t.english = b.g;

12、navicat  的应用

ctrl+q   新建一个窗口
ctrl+w   关闭窗口
ctrl+r   运行语句

navicat 如果连接不上
1)service mysqld restart    ==》重启数据库
2)service iptables stop    ==》关闭防火墙
3)grant all privileges on *.* to  'root'@'%' identified  by '123456';  ==》开放远程权限

#   ==》单行注释

连续多行注释   /*     */

/*    ==>段注释
/*create table aa(id int(1) PRIMARY key,name char(20));
create table cc(s_id int(1) PRIMARY key,score char(20));
insert into aa(id,name)values(1001,'zhangsan'),(1002,'lisi');
insert into cc(s_id,score)values(1001,'99'); */

1、基本连接 ==》2个表中有字段值相同则可以进行连接,结果只展示相同字段的数据
select *from aa,cc where aa.id = cc.s_id;

2、内连接  ==》2个表中有字段值相同则可以进行连接,结果只展示相同字段的数据
select * from aa inner join cc on aa.id = cc.s_id;

3、左连接  ==》以左表为主,展示左表的全部数据,右表没有的数据以null填充
select * from aa left join cc on aa.id = cc.s_id;

4、右连接  ==》以右表为主,展示右表的全部数据,左表没有的数据以null填充
select * from aa right join cc on aa.id = cc.s_id;

5、硬链接  ==》2张表的字段必须相同
select * from aa union select * from cc;

求zhansan 的成绩?
select score from aa,cc where aa.id = cc.s_id and name = 'zhangsan';

select * from aa,cc where aa.id = cc.s_id  t临时表
select t.score from (
select * from aa,cc where aa.id = cc.s_id)t where t.name = 'zhangsan';

7、嵌套法  =
select id  from aa where name = 'zhangsan';  ==>1001  

select score from cc where s_id = (select id  from aa where name = 'zhangsan');  ==>1001

8、嵌套 in

select id  from aa where name = 'zhangsan';  ==>1001  

select score from cc where s_id in(select id  from aa where name = 'zhangsan');

select id from aa;   ==>1001 1002
select name from aa where id not in(select s_id from cc); ==>1001

select name from aa LEFT JOIN cc on aa.id = cc.s_id where score is null;

select name from cc RIGHT JOIN aa on aa.id = cc.s_id where score is null;
1)vim /etc/my.cnf   ==>数据库的配置文件
2)加入这行 character_set_server=utf8
4)dcs这个库右键属性把latin 为utf8编码格式(utf8--UTF-8 Unicode)
   排序规则 utf8_general_ci

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